Destiny Emblem Collector Changelog
- v4.45.24.4 - 2024-06-07
- Moved the raid and raid-related Twitch emblems from Upcoming to Limited on the front page. Also marked them as available.
- v4.45.24.3 - 2024.06.06
- Updated the two Salvation's Edge raid emblems and marked them as Upcoming.
- v4.45.24.2 - 2024.06.05
- Made some changes to backend scripts to help speed up how quickly new emblems get added to DEC.
- Updated the language on the front page that overlays the Sweeperbot image. Should be a little clearer and shorter now that TFS is out.
- v4.45.24.1 - 2024.06.04
- Added all the new TFS / Episode 01 emblems to the site. Check the Recently Added Filter for all the cool emblems!
- v4.45.24.0 - 2024.06.03
- Updating DEC for TFS / Episode 01
- Removed the Season 20-23 Filter pages and condensed them down to "Year 06"
- Added an Episode Filter for Episode 01: Echoes
- All of the Time-Limited emblems on the front page have been marked as no longer available and removed from the front page
- Marked all Season 23 emblems as no longer available
- Removed the "Emblems Only Available This Season" section from the front page. This was replaced be the "Emblems Only Available This Episode" section
- Updated the "Currently Available" list of emblems to mark all emblems that have been retired as no longer available
- Updated the About page (see the footer on any page) to link to a Ko-Fi tip jar and my video game podcast
- v4.45.23.46 - 2024.05.31
- Updated the Slaycation emblem to mark when the emblem will be awarded to players.
- v4.45.23.45 - 2024.05.30
- Updated the start and end dates for all seasons, they should all be correct now on their appropriate season/year pages
- Updated the end date for Episode 01: Echoes. This won't be visible until the episode starts
- Updated the status of Silicon Frontier now that it's no longer upcoming
- v4.44.23.44 - 2024.05.28
- Updated the "Unreleased Emblems" list since a few were still marked as Unreleased incorrectly.
- Added support for Episodes to the list of "Emblems Only Available During This Current Episode" to the front page. You'll see both the current Season and the upcoming Episode listed on the front page until TFS' launch.
- v4.42.23.43 - 2024.05.23
- v4.42.23.42 - 2024.05.21
- Added support for Episodes, as a separate page type from Seasons. This was a large backend update, which hopefully won't change the site at all until I enable it next week. If things look odd, let me know!
- v4.41.23.42 - 2024.05.21
- Updated DEC to support Year 06's emblem filter, along with building support for The Final Shape's emblems
- TODO: Add support for Episodes, since they differ from Seasons
- v4.29.21.19 - 2023.07.23
- v4.29.20.26 - 2023.05.16
- Added support for S21 (Deep)
- Updated unreleased emblems from this season to mark them as unreleased
- v4.29.20.23 - 2023.05.02
- Added links and information about the Guardian Games 2023 Fundraiser to the front page
- Updated unlock reqs for Quantum Relay
- Fixed up a little bit of vague language on the Kit and Kaboodle emblem
- Removed a few giveaway emblems from the Currently Available filter
- v4.25.18.0 - 2022.08.23
- Updating the site for S18. Adding support for the new season, adding all the necessary pages, and updating the backend code to support S18. I'll be adding all the new emblems in the next version.
- v4.24.17.26 - 2022.08.09
- Did a quick pass on most of the emblems on the front page. Updated as many as I could, which included clarifying unlock requirements and retiring some emblems that are no longer available in the Bungie Store.
- v4.24.17.12 - 2022.06.10
- Added the new Trials Flawless emblem, Sunward Ordeal.
- v4.24.17.11 - 2022.06.09
- Added the universal emblem code for "Stag's Spirit"
- v4.24.17.10 - 2022.06.02
- Updated the two GCX emblems for 2022: Euclidean Theorem and Spectral Sea.
- v4.24.17.9 - 2022.06.02
- Added unlock requirements for "The Infinite Prismatic," the emblem that comes with the new Pride 2.0 pin.
- v4.24.17.5 - 2022.05.28
- Added "Interconnected" to the Time-Limited emblems section of the front page, along with adding a season and expiration date as well.
- Marked the two most recent Guardian Games emblems as no longer available.
- v4.24.17.2 - 2022.05.25
- Updated the two primary DEC database scripts to increase the speed at which emblems are added to DEC.
- Updated the documentation surrounding these two scripts. Documentation is important!
- v4.23.17.0 - 2022.05.24
- Added all of the Season 17 (Season of the Haunted) emblems to the site.
- Changed DEC's base version number from v4.23.2.0 to v4.23.17.0 (to match the season number). This will help me keep track of what season it is from the version number, along with seeing what season an individual commit is from.
- v4.22.2.26 - 2022.05.19
- Moved the locally hosted non-Bungie images to DEC's CDN.
- v4.21.2.24 - 2022.05.15
- Added S17's links to the header menu
- v4.20.2.24 - 2022.05.03
- Updated the two Guardian Games 2022 emblems to mark them Available; A Good Sport and Glory's Claim
- Updated Light Keepers to mark it No Longer Available
- Updated Entombed to remove Unreleased
- Updated Guardians' Oath to mark the end date of 2022-05-24.
- v4.20.2.18 - 2022.04.26
- Added the last seasonal emblem for S16, Psychic Warfare.
- v4.19.2.11 - 2022.04.01
- Fixed a bug where none of the unreleased emblems added in the Witch Queen API update were showing in the correct filter.
- v4.19.1.11 - 2022.03.31
- Updated the unlock requirements for Broken Barriers
- v4.19.1.10 - 2022.03.24
- Updated Google Analytics tags
- Added the community-sourced Parallel Program list to that emblem
- v4.16.0.0 - 2022.02.21
- Updating the site to retired old emblems while adding support for WQ/Risen ebmlems
- v4.15.6.35 - 2022.02.14
- Re-implimented the "get-icons" script in prep for Witch Queen.
- Destiny 2 emblem template update in prep for Witch Queen.
- v4.13.6.32 - 2022.02.08
- New script! This allows me to fix and upate emblems in the databse much faster. That's it!
- v4.11.6.31 - 2022.02.01
- Added unlock requirements for Cardinal Refraction
- Retired the four season Filters for S12-S15. Combined those into a "Year 4" Filter.
- Added a filter for Season 16 and Witch Queen. That can be found in the top Filter menu.
- v4.10.6.30 - 2022.01.30
- Updated images for a lot of emblems that had broken images. That's it!
- v4.10.6.28 - 2022.01.07
- Added support for Season 16, Season of the [REDACTED] along with Witch Queen emblems. Commented out the season in the Filters menu until closer to Witch Queen's launch.
- Audited the "Unreleased" emblems section, cleaned up a few that were wrong.
- v4.9.6.28 - 2022.01.17
- Updated the unlock requirements for Circumflex Diacritic after they were released today.
- v4.9.6.27 - 2022.01.04
- Retired the Dawning emblems now that the event is over.
- v4.9.6.26 - 2021.12.22
- Updated the Emblem Detail Page to display either Date Retired or Available Until, based on whichever applies; if the emblem has not been retired, the Date Available should display. If either field is empty, the field shouldn't display.
- v4.8.6.26 - 2021.12.20
- Added two new fields to the database: Date Available and Date Retired.
- These two fields will only show on the Emblem Detail Page if they're populated.
- Documentation has been updated to include these two new fields.
- v4.7.6.26 - 2021.12.17
- Updated the unlock requirements for "Delicious Benefactor" for The Dawning 2021.
- v4.7.6.23 - 2021.12.14
- Added unlock requirements for "Lightstring"
- Fixed a few more emblem Secondary Icons
- v4.7.6.21 - 2021.12.10
- Updated the "Victorious Veteran" emblem and a few of its related emblems. These don't appear to be available for new players that started after Beyond Light, so I've marked them appropriately.
- v4.7.6.20 - 2021.12.08
- Added two missing emblems from the Bungie Store to the Sale section of the front page
- Fixed a few broken images
- Updated a handful of very old emblems to clarify some vague info
- v4.7.6.19 - 2021.12.07
- Adding all of the emblems from today's API update (the 30th anniversary release)
- v4.7.5.19 - 2021.12.05
- Changed the D1 emblems to use a personal CDN.
- v4.7.5.15 - 2021.11.29
- Updated the unlock requirements for the following emblems: Cayde's Last Stand, Second Chances, and Aurelian Prize.
- v4.7.5.14 - 2021.11.23
- Added the unlock requirements for Swift Fortuna, the Black Friday / Gallardays emblem for 2021.
- v4.7.5.13 - 2021.11.11
- Added the universal code for the "Be True" emblem
- v4.7.5.12 - 2021.11.02
- Updated the Emblem Details page to change the Emblem Category field to a link. You can now click that link to see all of the emblems of the same category.
- Updated some very old language on the Emblem Details page to be a little more clear.
- v4.6.5.12 - 2021.11.02
- Marked the Destiny 1 emblem "Can't Stop the Signal" as unvavailable.
- v4.6.5.11 - 2021.11.02
- Marked the Festival of the Lost emblems as no longer available and removed them from the front page, now that the event is over
- Updated a handful of images that weren't loading (focusing on high-priority ones first)
- v4.6.5.10 - 2021.10.30
- Updated the "Second Chances" emblem to specify that it won't be available for much longer. Make sure you snag yours quickly!
- v4.6.5.9 - 2021.10.27
- Updated the "Planestrider" emblem to mark it as available
- v4.6.5.8 - 2021.10.12
- Added/updated the Festival of the Lost emblems for 2021's event
- v4.6.5.7 - 2021.10.07
- Reintroduced the "Entering the DCV" Filter (see the top of the site in the Filters menu)
- Updated the emblems that are likely entering the DCV on WQ's launch
- v4.5.5.6 - 2021.10.01
- Updated the emblem "Everyone Can Play" to mark it on sale, available, and limited
- v4.5.5.5 - 2021.09.29
- Marked "Iron to Steel" as unavailable, it doesn't appear to be dropping as of the second Iron Banner of Seson 15
- v4.5.5.4 - 2021.09.23
- The emblem "All for One" has been renamed to "Everyone Can Play"
- v4.5.5.3 - 2021.09.20
- Updated the unlock requirements on "Spoils Of Ishtar" now that it's been released.
- v4.5.5.2 - 2021.09.13
- Finally changed the name on "Eclipsed Sunset" to be the correct name. Should be the final change needed for the MoT 2020 emblems, fingers crossed.
- Added a favicon to the site.
- v4.4.5.1 - 2021.09.09
- Added "Time Dilation" to the front page. Get it quickly if you want one!
- v4.4.5.0 - 2021.09.07
- Updated almost all of the Open World emblems for each planet; it appears that none of these drop anymore.
- Updated all of the Nightfall emblems; it appears none of these drop anymore.
- Updated "Felwinter Frost," this appears to be vaulted.
- Updated "Rally To the Flag;" it appears to be vaulted.
- Updated the Mindbender mission emblem "Secret Treasures" mentioning that you need to snag it during the Forsaken campaign now that Flashpoints have been removed.
- v4.4.4.6 - 2021.09.02
- Updated "Lucidity" with the new Bungie-sourced...source. Also added it to the front page in the "On Sale" section
- v4.4.4.5 - 2021.09.01
- Updated the Open World emblems that drop from vendors to mark them as still avaialable. The ones that drop from chests are either no longer available or have such a crazy low drop rate that they aren't showing up.
- Marked the Iron Banner emblem for Season 15 as possibly bugged, it doesn't appear to be droping.
- Removed the newly retired Bungie Foundation emblems from the front page, along with marking them as no longer available.
- v4.4.4.3 - 2021.08.28
- Updated the "Planestrider" emblem from this season with what appears to be the unlock requirements.
- Updated some of the emblems introduced in S15 to clarify availability and/or unlock requirements.
- Removed Sweeper Bot from the front page. See you next season (there will be a ton of work with S16 and WQ!)
- v4.4.4.2 - 2021.08.26
- Added "The Unrelenting Grip" to the Seasonal Emblems section of the front page
- v4.4.4.1 - 2021.08.24
- v4.4.4.0 - 2021.08.24
- Setup for the new season and new set of emblems
- v4.4.3.18 - 2021.08.19 / 2021.08.21
- Added requirements for Vital Elixer
- Added Anchor Point (with temporary images)
- Added some templating support on the site's back end (not visible to users)
- Updated S15's name now that it's been unveiled
- v4.3.3.17 - 2021.08.16
- Removed "Entre Nous" from the front page now that it's no longer available.
- v4.3.3.16 - 2021.08.14
- Removed "New Blue" from the front page now that it's no longer available.
- v4.3.3.15 - 2021.08.09
- Added support for the upcoming Season 15, Season of the [REDACTED].
- v4.2.3.15 - 2021.08.03
- Whoops, season displays in the Emblem Detail page were missing! Fixed those and they now show whatever season(s) the emblem showed up in.
- v4.1.3.15 - 2021.08.03
- Updated the three core playlist emblems from this season to their correct category.
- v4.1.3.14 - 2021.08.03
- Removed the Solstice emblems from the front page, along with marking them no longer available
- Added the unlock requirements and donation link to "Entre Vous"
- v4.1.3.13 - 2021.07.29
- Updated all of the current Bungie Store emblems, the links on all those emblems should be correct now. Thanks to everyone who helped!
- v4.1.3.12 - 2021.07.27
- Updated the two new Bungie Store emblems to have the proper, permanent store pages in the links. Emblems updated are Bibliomancy and Aurelian Prize.
- v4.1.3.11 - 2021.07.21
- Updated all of the subclass emblems to clarify information all of you kind Guardians have sent in lately, thank you all for the help!
- v4.1.3.10 - 2021.07.20
- Added the unlock requirements for the New Blue emblem.
- v4.1.3.9 - 2021.07.13
- Removed the "Bungie Day 2021" emblem from the front page, as it's no longer available
- v4.1.3.8 - 2021.07.07
- Happy Bungie Day!
- I've added the Bungie Day emblems to the site
- v4.1.3.7 - 2021.07.06
- Updated a few of the Nightfall emblem variants to mention that they're no longer available. The main emblems (named after the Nightfalls) appear to still be available. If you have further information, please let me know via @EmblemCollector on Twitter
- Updated Solstice 2021 emblems.
- v4.1.3.6 - 2021.07.01
- Fixed all of the broken emblem icons across the site.
- v4.1.3.5 - 2021.07.01
- Updated "Helios Crown" with a Bungie email mentioning it will be released during Solstice Of Heroes 2021.
- v4.1.3.3 - 2021-06.25
- Fixing broken emblem icons in the Emblem Detail page.
- v4.1.2.3 - 2021.06.23
- Fixed all of the emblems that have a parent/variant relationship. These broke after the v4.0 update and needed to be remapped. Let me know if I missed any!
- v4.1.1.3 - 2021.06.23
- Updated the GCX emblems to clarify some information and mark them as no longer available
- Updated a handful of emblems that had broken icon images, especially the front page emblems
- v4.1.1.2 - 2021.06.20
- Removed the GCX 2021 emblems from the "Limited Time" section of the front page and marked them as no longer available now that the event is over.
- v4.1.1.1 - 2021.06.17
- Updated the variants/related emblems for "Arcadian Valley"
- Updated a handful of emblem icons
- Updated the emblem detail page to include links in the Category and Rarity fields. Clicking on those links will display all of the emblems in that category or rarity.
- Added the "Burnt Edges" emblem now that it's available
- v4.1.0.1 - 2021.06.16
- Further site optimizations.
- v4.0.0.1 - 2021.06.13
- Updated "Spectral Sea" now that it's available as a GCX 2021 donation reward.
- v4.0.0.0 - 2021.06.10
- A complete site rework! Everything on the backend of the site has been improved and almost all of it has been completely rewritten to make DEC even faster than before!
- As a result, some pages might look odd. Plesae let me know @EmblemCollector on Twitter if you see anything odd.
- Archived v3.0's changelog.