Destiny 1 Emblem Details: Vanguard Signet

Emblem Name

Vanguard Signet
Emblem Icon

Emblem Icon

This is the image that displays when looking at the emblem in your character's emblem inventory, in your subscreen.

Emblem Secondary Icon

Emblem Secondary Icon

The emblem's secondary icon is the image that displays behind your character's nameplate, mostly seen in orbit or when looking at you're Fireteam's roster.

Combined Emblem Image

Combined Emblem Image

This is the combined emblem image, with the icon and secondary icon stacked like in-game

Emblem Rarity

Emblem Rarity

This is the emblem's in-game rarity (Rare / Legendary / etc.).

Emblem Category

Emblem Category

This is the in-game category that the emblem shows up in, found in the emblem kiosk next to Eva Levante.

Ages of Triumph
Detailed Unlock Requirements

Detailed Unlock Requirements

DEC provides more detailed unlock steps for each emblem; we'll give you the exact steps to get this emblem.

Reach Rank 25 with the Vanguard. Became available after the Age of Triumph update.
Emblem Availability

Emblem Availability

Whether this emblem is currently available or not. Some emblems were only available for a limited time or one season, while some have been removed completely.

Emblem Currently Available