Emblem Details: Heroes of the Light

Emblem Name

Heroes of the Light
Emblem Icon

Emblem Icon

This is the image that displays when looking at the emblem in your character's emblem inventory, in your subscreen.

Emblem Secondary Overlay

Emblem Secondary Overlay

This isn't used too much in-game, but this is a transparent version of the Emblem Icon

Emblem Secondary Icon

Emblem Secondary Icon

The emblem's secondary icon is the image that displays behind your character's nameplate, mostly seen in orbit or when looking at you're Fireteam's roster.

Emblem Secondary Special

Emblem Secondary Special

This image is what's shown at the very top of your character screen.

Click this image to open a full size version

Emblem Rarity

Emblem Rarity

This is the emblem's in-game rarity (Rare / Legendary / etc.).

Emblem Category

Emblem Category

This is the in-game category that the emblem shows up in, found in Collections -> Flair -> Emblems.

Emblem Source

In-Game Emblem Source

This is the in-game source that Destiny 2 provides. DEC displays the source exactly as it appears in-game.

Source: Unlocked by a special offer.
Detailed Unlock Requirements

Detailed Unlock Requirements

Detailed unlock requirements, provided by DEC. We'll give you the exact steps to obtain this emblem.

Emblem Availability

Emblem Availability

Whether this emblem is currently available or not. Some emblems were only available for a limited time or one season, while some have been removed completely.

Emblem Currently Available


Emblem In the DCV?

Is this emblem in the Destiny Content Vault at this time?


Purchasable Emblem Availability

Purchasable Emblem Availability

This emblem can be purchased right now if this field is present. Make sure you buy/donate before they go away!

Emblem Currently On Sale!

Emblem Purchase or Donation Link

Emblem Purchase or Donation Link

This link is the specific place you can purchase/donate towards this emblem. Sometimes we link to a Twitter post since it has more details about when the emblem is available.

Bungie Store NA Page
View Emblem's Full JSON Data

View Emblem's Full JSON Data

If you wanted to see all the nitty-gritty emblem details from the API, this is a link to this specific emblem on Destiny Sets

Destiny Sets